Although I love the design of the VermBin’s the items I use in my worm bins are too bulky to be able to produce the quality of casting I want to sell. If I had the space and the room I would have all Urban Worm Bags (UWB) and the wooden boxes.
In the picture you can see I have 3 UWB and one VermBin24. The VermBin24 is actually 4 inches higher than the plans stated as I goofed on measurements on building it, the 4 inch extra height makes running this one easier and the casting are the same quality from the UWB.
It has taken me 3 years of running the various VermBins to see that the very bulky materials I use don’t work too well in these. I traded 2 VermBin48’s and the 3rd one I dismantled. I still like the design and if you can have these inside they will work well.
I will be able to design a “insulation box” to fit around these for the upcoming winter using materials from the dismantled VermBin48.