
  • Worm castings are available on a first come basis.  
  • I only produce up to 160 gallons of some of the best microbially diverse castings in East Tennessee each year.   That being said, I have a limited quantity on hand at any time so if you want more than 5 gallons, you may have to have your name placed on the waiting list.
  • I am a part time hobby worm farmer I sell worm castings cocoons and a worm starter mix.
  • NOTICE…If you are on the wait list for castings and I contact you and you DO NOT RESPOND within 24 hours you are promptly removed from the list and you DO NOT get any castings. (notice posted and effective 5/14/2021)


(utilizing worms to convert organic waste into a nutrient rich soil amendment)

Hi, my name is Kim and my passion is taking items destined for the landfill and using them to create vermicompost aka worm castings.  I am a closed loop system for my worm farm.

I utilize all items from around my house to feed the worm bins. These items are: mulched leaves, wood chips, rabbit manure, kitchen scraps, comfrey, cardboard and BSFL frass.  I  do not buy peat moss or coir for use in my bins.

Worm castings

Worm castings

There are too many items that are being disposed of in landfills that can be used in your worm bin like veggie scraps, fruit scraps, eggshells, fall leaves, yard waste, old bills, newspaper, cardboard, etc.  By using these items and many more you too can create your own vermicompost.

Together we can all do our part to help divert items from going into our landfills AND to help rebuild our soils that have been depleted from over farming, excess tilling and YES! the use of chemicals.

By using Red Wigglers (Eisenia fetida) and keeping them in a suitable environment they will take those items and convert it into a beautiful soil amendment for you to use instead of chemicals on your vegetable plants or even your flower beds.  Worm castings have been used in scientific experiments and have been proven to contain plant growth hormones, and are able to help suppress certain pests and diseases.

I am considered a micro business (in the worm farming community) as I only produce up to 160 gallons of vermicompost for spring, summer and fall.  So if you want a fresh product (not bagged in plastic and sitting on a shelf for who knows how long) then contact me for yours today. 

I am on a “first come” basis.  Get your name on the list for some of the best castings available in east Tennessee !!

Here is a link to YouTube for a video I did on feeding/maintaining my Urban Worm Bags.


Red Wigglers

Red Wigglers

” Ditch the chemicals and give your plants some love”

* Life Time Member of the Worm Farming Alliance*

Proud and honored to be an affiliate for the:

WFA the  VermBin plans and the Urban Worm Bag

Please visit my Products page for more information about these products and more…Thanks, Kim